
All of these organizations were founded around the same time, and since then we’ve been collaborating, sharing ideas, and lending support whenever needed. We’re all part of an interconnected, creative family that is hungry to grow and passionate about giving back to the communities we come from.

FilmArt is a young and creative media organization. They create engaging short films, documentaries, advertisements, photographs, animation and more to share their unique worldview and their relationship to Delhi and India as a whole. They have partnered with us to capture our tours through pictures so that we can better show you what makes our tours so special. Their combination of artistic vision and technical skill has helped us on countless occasions, and we’re lucky to have them as part of the family!

Dance Kabila
Dance Kabila is Bollywood dance company that teaches youth around the city skills and confidence through dance. The company germinated from the idea that dancing is much more than just steps and music, it’s a way of living and expressing yourself as an individual. Dance Kabila helps their students develop a body consciousness and sense of self that transcends the dance floor and helps them grow as individuals.
Manzil Mystics
Manzil Mystics is a band that originated out of the NGO Manzil, focusing on how music can be used as an educational tool in government schools. Their program is centered around various social issues, as they believe that music can affect positive changes in people’s lives by acting as an alternative medium of education. They have performed and taught in several different parts of the country, and are still growing!